Rosacea Treatment Which Helps

Rosacea is a disease of a person's skin which 16 million of us in just the US alone deal with. The noticeable symptoms of rosacea are mainly comprised of red or very pink patches located on your face, resulting from a large amount of red bumps and ruptured blood vessels. The signs of rosacea look like those of really bad acne, therefore rosacea is better known as acne rosacea.

People with rosacea also suffer from red and itchy eyes from time to time. Red bumps can cause problems later. Rosacea usually plagues the fair Caucasian skin. It is a non-curable skin condition but the good news is that there is a rosacea treatment that can control the symptoms of rosacea. Self confidence can be affected by severe cases of rosacea, making it important to seek a remedy.

A vital element of rosacea treatment is changes in your lifestyle. When it comes to rosacea people have different trigger foods, but in most people there are common types of food that trigger severe cases. So one item that seems to make the symptoms of rosacea worse is alcohol. This applies to both spicy meals and hot beverages as well. Other people exhibit allergic reaction to dairy products and chocolate. Since most people are allergic to different things, it is best to keep track of the trigger food through a food journal.

Dermatologists use a variety of topical treatments. Rosacea is a skin condition that results in sensitivities in many ways. Anything that is made for facial application should be tested on a patch of skin first. As much as possible, one should get the approval of the dermatologist before using a product. People with Rosacea need to be careful not to buy cosmetics with certain fragrances and additives.

Skin doctors may prescribe topical antibiotics to combat rosacea. Antibiotics can cause various side effects, such as vaginal yeast infections, their use should be monitored by the dermatologist. There are antibiotic topical remedies available for less severe cases of rosacea. The skin may become immune to the treatment so this is regulated.

While your skin is in its most sensitive state, any extra exfoliation, such as chemical peels, is really not needed. Even if red blemishes look like they are ready to be popped, don't use abrasive products.

The itching and dryness that comes with rosacea can be treated with eye drops, so keep them with you at all times. Stay away from alcohol and oil-based applications for your skin. Sunlight can cause itching and redness, so always be sure to wear sunscreen with a high SPF. Not only that, but rosacea makes a person much more prone to sun damage because the skin is already so sensitive.

Remember that treatments for rosacea are never abrasive or rough so they should be gentle on the skin.